Care and Handling of Instruments
Concerning your question on why staining, pitting or rusting can develop in
stainless steel Instruments; there are some basic points for the care and
handling of surgical instruments which will extend the life of the instrument,
el iminate staining or corrosion and lower the cost in use.
These are as follows: -
1. Instruments should be rinsed as soon as possible after use to remove
blood, serum and saline. Do not use a sponge basin as any residue from
normal saline solution can cause corrosion to develop over a period of time.
2. Instruments should be thoroughly dried after cleaning and before
wrapping or storing, as moisture left in the box lock or serrations can cause
rust or corrosion to develop.
3. Do not leave instruments in a cold sterilization soak solution for extended
periods as these solutions tend to be corrosive, after cold sterilization, rinse
the instruments in distilled or demineralized water and dry thoroughly).
4. If using cold sterilization technique, change the solution according to
directions as prolonged use will cause the solution to become corrosive.
5. Do not use caustic cleaners or any other cleaner except those specified for
cleaning surgical instruments.
6. Do not clean instruments with steel wool or scouring powder, or use PH
detergents. If cleaning by hand, use a specific instrument cleaner or a natural
detergent soap and a soft brush (rinse with demineralized or distilled water).
7. Check your autoclave. Iron, sodium, calcium, magnesium or copper in
your water can cause spotting, staining or corrosion to occur. In hard water
areas, clean the line deposits from your autoclave, install a steam filter if
possible. It will removemost of dirt, rust and pipe scale.
8. Make sure your wraps are rinsed sufficiently ( 6 to 8 times ) by the laundry
to remove all chlorine bleach as any residue can cause staining or corrosion
during autoclaving.